If you do not know your training zones exactly, the following table helps you derive them from performance data, heart rate values or perceived exertion. Then just enter the correct value at TrainingPeaks.
AnT = individual anaerobic threshold
Training zones | power@ threshold | HR @ threshold | maximum heart rate (HRmax) | perceived exertion (BORG-Skala; 6-20) | Breathing | target value Trainingpeaks |
Recovery | 30-55% | 30-55% | <60% | extremely light (7-10) | easy | 50% |
Aerobic endurance 1 | 55-75% | 55-75% | 61-75% | light (11-13) | increased | 65% |
Aerobic endurance 2 | 76-90% | 76-90% | 76-85% | moderate (14-15) | accelerated | 85% |
Threshold | 91-105% | 91-105% | 86-95% | hard (heavy) (15-18) | greatly accelerated | 100% |
Strength endurance | 88-100% | 88-100% | 80-89% | moderate to hard (14-16) | accelerated | 90% |
High intensity | 106-140% | 106-140% | >95% | extremely hard (18-20) | maximal | 130% |
Intermitted Exercise (IE) | Intensity 130% Recovery 55% | >95% | >95% | extremely hard (18-20) | maximal | Intensity 130% Recovery 55% |
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